April 9: India is becoming the hub of Solar power Generation, but the biggest challenge for the solar power plants installed in the desolate areas is to clean the sand accumulated on the solar plants.
“Vysion Technology”, a tech startup has accepted this challenge to get rid of this problem.
Vysion Technology has invented an internet connected robot named Dhruvaan that will clean the solar plants with its super efficient smart exhaustion technology. It will increase power generation of a plant by 3.8% on daily basis, which is highest proven cleaning results so far. Vysion technology has granted a total of 3 patents for this technology by the patent office government of India. Company has also raised an undisclosed amount of funding.
Company’s Founder and CEO Nikhil Vyas Stated some benefits of the robot –
- Dhruvaan uses dry cleaning technology that will save millions of gallon water daily.
- Dhruvaan will clean the solar plants spread in hundreds of acres in one hour only whereas traditional water cleaning method takes 15 days of cleaning cycle.
- Robot will save millions of O&M cost of installation companies.
To know more about this startup, check out www.techvysion.com
To know more about robot, checkout www.dhruvaan.com
According to an estimate, if a company has a 100 MW solar plant, then using this robot will save approximately 45 crores per annum.
The first demo is also given to the Asia’s largest solar park in Bhadla, Rajasthan.
Nikhil Vyas who completed B.Tech. in electronics and communication from IIIT Surat is the founder of Vysion technology. Later his batchmates Pratyush Gupta, Amit Verma, Nishant Singh, Himanshu Shukla and Mayank Arora also joined the team. This squad together formed a robot named as “Dhruvaan” from an indigenous technology to clean the solar plates.
The company also has products in multiple technology domains including smart city, education technology and electric automobiles. The intense research on correlated domain will also boost the electric automobiles infrastructure in near future.
Pratyush Gupta, CTO of the company said that Dhruvaan is a completely autonomous robot that can be operated with the software from any part of the world.
Himanshu Shukla, the product head of company said this robot cleans panels in multiple stages. Robot can move on any inclination of terrain with its advanced driving mechanism.
Mayank Arora, electronics research head of the company said that the advanced firmware of the robot will automatically detect any kind of internal fault and report it online.
Many multinational companies including Azure Power, renew power and solar pack are eager to deploy Dhruvaan on a massive scale to gain high ROIs.
Nikhil has expressed his hope for giving a boost to “Make in India campaign” through this project.
The post This Robot Will Increase Approx 8500 MW Solar Energy Production Monthly In India appeared first on Republic News Today.